b'Finish the Wall, End Human Trafficking,and Defeat theDrug CartelsAs our world becomes more complex, so do the threats we face at home. Terrorism remains a global reality, and Americas ability to prevent attacks in the United States is only as strong as its weakest link at any given moment. Today, our ability to protect our homeland depends on having strong border security, an orderly immigration system, and robust counterterrorism measures. THE AMERICA FIRST AGENDAThe America First Agenda will require the vigorous enforcement of the law and the delivery of necessaryFinish the Walltools and resources to frontline operators protecting our country. This overall effort includes enacting andStop Human Trafficking by Instituting enforcing strong border security measures, endingEffective Border Security and Immigration human trafficking, preventing dangerous drugs fromEnforcement Programs killing Americans and having strong digital securityDefeat the Drug Cartelsthat can keep pace with the rapid technological advancements and the ever-evolving threats worldwide. Modernize and Restore Integrity to the Focusing on these efforts will enable the United StatesImmigration Systemto secure our border and protect the American peopleBoost Counterterrorism Capacity and Defend as we move forward in the 21st century. Critical Infrastructure 12|THE AMERICA FIRST AGENDA THE AMERICA FIRST AGENDA|13'