b'Make It Easy to Vote and HardOne fraudulent vote, or one administrative mistake, is one to Cheat too many when it comes to protecting each sacred vote. The best election integrity policies make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.The foundation of the American system of self-governance is liberty, and the core expression of the peoples liberty is the ability to cast their ballots in free and fair elections. Our Nation needs policies that protect just, legal, transparent, and fair elections while recognizing that statesnot the federal governmentare best situated to determine voter eligibility, voter registration, Election Day processes, and voter roll management.Every eligible voter should have the opportunity to cast one ballot at one time that is counted once. Anything that fails this simple test is a failure of the system, and the people responsible for that system should be held accountable.THE AMERICA FIRST AGENDARequire Voters to Have Photo IdentificationClean Up Voter Rolls before Every ElectionRequire All Ballots to be Returned by Election DayEliminate Ballot HarvestingBan the Practice of Billionaires Giving Money to Election Officials to Influence ElectionsTHE AMERICA FIRST AGENDA|19'